Meal Planning 101!

Meal Planning 101!



One of the common barriers to healthy eating is cost and lack of time. With work, taking the kids to their activities, and and everyday chores , life gets hectic. However, setting 30 minutes aside every week to develop a meal plan and grocery list will save both time and stress. Let’s get started!!

1). Grab a pen and paper. List the days Monday – Sunday with rows for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

2).  Get the kids involved. Ask your child to get involved by choosing their favorite meals. For older kids get them to browse through cookbooks or websites for inspiration and new recipes.

3). Think seasonal. Choose foods that are in season for variety, nutrition, ease, and cost savings.

4). Browse through your fridge, freezer, and pantry, use foods that have an upcoming expiry date.

5). Routine. You’ll probably hear me say this over and over again but routine is key to resolving dinner chaos.In our family I know there will fish 1-2 week and Thursday’s are sandwich/veggies days.

6). Plan for leftovers- Embrace leftovers, most taste better the next day and makes for an easy lunch.

7). Batch cook – Making marinara sauce, turkey meat balls, burgers why not double the recipe and freeze it. Use them for those nights where you are pressed for time. Set 1- 2 days week where you prep food. I like to do my prep work on Sundays, I make a fruit salad, salad dressing, wash our greens, and make fruit sauces for the week.

8). Try one new recipe a week, I suggest doing this on the weekend or a night when you are not crunched for time.

Looking for some dinner inspiration ideas? Check out this list of websites !















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