
Our One A Day Treat Rule

Our One A Day Treat Rule

In our house, we have a “one treat a day rule” where we will indulge in a little treat. You must be thinking what kind of a dietitian let’s her kid have treats on a daily basis. It’s not as bad as you think, I…

Refreshing Watermelon and Feta Salad

Refreshing Watermelon and Feta Salad

It’s been a hot summer here on the west coast and my family and I have tried to make the best of these long summer days by using the BBQ more and making lots of salads. No one likes firing up the oven on these hot…

Lemon Arugula Pesto

Lemon Arugula Pesto

Miss E and I planted our first garden this year. We planted arugula, beets, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, strawberries, and herbs. Arugula is one of my favorite greens. I love it in salads, pizza, pasta, and love making arugula pesto. The combination of pepper and lemon…

Chicken Tortilla Soup!

Chicken Tortilla Soup!

This simple yet hearty chicken tortilla soup was the perfect meal on Sunday night, after what seemed like a long and dreary weekend. I have been wanting to share this recipe with you since early January but it didn’t seem right. Spring arrived in late…

Nutrition Month… 9-5

Nutrition Month… 9-5

March is nutrition month. This year’s theme is ” 9-5″; eating healthy in the workplace. According to Dietitian’s of Canada 45% of Canadian’s reported eating healthy in the work place challenging. The workplace plays an important part in our health, with many of us spending…